Clinithink and partners win BWB Award in Digital Medicine

Oct 18, 2022 Clinithink
Clinithink and partners win BWB Award in Digital Medicine

A winning collaboration that secured an Award for innovative use of technology-enabled healthcare solutions at Biotech Week Boston

PINC AI™ Applied Sciences (PAS) and AstraZeneca, along with their partner Clinithink, have been chosen as the BWB Awards winner for innovative use of technology-enabled healthcare solutions in the Digital Medicine category.

The BWB Awards at Biotech Week Boston recognizes top individuals, companies and organizations in the life sciences community. They highlight biology breakthroughs, digital medicine innovation, diversity and inclusion champions, as well as stand-out startups, accelerators and world-class research and development incubator programs. 

The team received the BWB Award in Digital Medicine for bold and innovative creation or use of technology-enabled healthcare solutions that are propelling technology forward and solving a healthcare need.

Oncology care is continually evolving requiring innovative, tech-enabled solutions to propel patient care forward. The team answered the challenge through their work in oncology care and pulmonary nodule management. 

The winning entry utilized Clinithink’s clinical natural language processing (CNLP) technology along with its evidence and quality improvement methods to evaluate the patient care journey and to develop actionable tools for healthcare teams across the country. 

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Published by Clinithink October 18, 2022